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Frequenty Asked Questions

Why was this site setup?
This site was set up to help educate people of all ages to stay safe on the Internet.

Is the "Internet" not spelled "internet" (with a lowercase i) rather than "Internet" (with an uppercase i)?
No. The Internet and an internet are two different terms.
An internet (or internetwork) is the practice of connecting one computer network with another.
IBM's TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview from 1989, stated that:
"The Internet referrs to the worldwide set of interconnected networks."
Hence, the Internet is an internet, but the reverse does not apply.

I would like to try find some illegal these sites for the purpose of reporting them. Could I get into trouble with the authorities if I do?
Yes possibly, if you intentionally go out and find illegal websites then you might attract the attention of your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and/or law enforcement agencies. It is strongly recommened that you DO NOT do this, but if you do accidently come across one you are encouraged to report such sites immediately.